Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NCAAB March Madness Tournament System Records

NCAAB March Madness Records

2009 Record
7-4 63%
2010 Record
6-­4-­0 60.00% View

2011 Record
4-­4-­0 50.00% -­200 View

NCAAB Home System II Overall Record 2009-2011 35-14 +71.4% ATS

This will be the third season for the NCAAB Home System II. Last season was 7-6 after a more spectacular season in 2010 going over 77% ATS with a 28-8 record.

This is a very select system that starts with Conference play in late December.

2010-11 NCAAB Home System II
7-­6-­0 53.85% +­200 View

09/10 Season

28-8 77.77% ATS
The Home System II was found as a subset of last years NCAAB Lean System and is explained below.

NCAAB Lean System

2009-2010 SeasonWLTPctUnits
ATS Picks53-31-263.10%+9450
O/U Picks30-26-153.57%+700
All Picks83-57-359.29%+10150


The Lean System record shown above, also had a sub group for the Home System II. The record was 28-8 77.77% ATS

NCAAB Home System I Overall Record 2008-11 37-20-3 +64.9% ATS

Two seasons in a row with +70 % ATS meant we were probably due for a pullback last year.

The three year record is 37-20-3 +64.9% ATS

This very select system starts with Conference Play in late December.

08/09 Season NCAAB Home System I 
 16-4 80% ATS

09/10 Season NCAAB Home System I

14-5-1 73.68% +850 View

2010-11 NCAAB Home System I
7-­11-­2 38.89% -­2550 View

MisterMJ's NBA Computer Picks 2007-2011 +62.3% ATS +$29,650

Last seasons 2010-2011 NBA season was the fourth +60% ATS season in a row, with the latest season being over 64% for the year.

MisterMJ's NBA Computer Picks
Overall Record 2007-2011 +62.3% ATS on 284 picks.
177-107 62.3%  +$29,650 +59.3 Units Flatbetting
2010-11 NBA COMPUTER PICKS (Documented at Wagerline)

18-­10-­0 64.29% +$­3500 View

Date WLT Pct Net Units Record
03/04/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
02/24/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
02/22/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
02/16/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
02/08/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
02/05/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
02/02/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
01/31/11 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
01/29/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
01/26/11 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
01/21/11 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
01/19/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
01/17/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
01/14/11 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
01/07/11 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
01/01/11 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
12/27/10 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
12/21/10 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
12/15/10 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
12/14/10 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
12/12/10 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
12/07/10 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
12/04/10 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
12/01/10 0-1-0 0.00% -550 Detail
11/26/10 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
11/14/10 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
11/10/10 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
11/06/10 1-0-0 100.00% +500 Detail
NBA Computer Picks Yearly Breakdowns

09/10 NBA Computer Picks

14-9-0 60.87% +2050 View

08/09 NBA Record
61-32-1 65.6% +25.8 Units

07-08 NBA Record

84-56 60% + 22.4 units
(Picks documented in this forum : http://www.therxforum.com/showthread.php?t=531283)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

NFL EMO's System Record & Explanation (2010-2007)

NFL EMO's Record & Explanation (2010-2007)

The NFL EMO System is a contrarian system based on my own set of Emotional factors. The theory is that human emotion is predictable...and the human response to certain factors is predictable.

The NFL season is very short...each game is very much like a battle...the season as a whole is a war. It is a very very emotional and violent game...with many ups and downs over the season.

So far...these EMO factors have done a good job of predicting ATS winners...based on predictable patterns of human behavior triggered by game events and outcomes.

EMO's can only start in week #2 because the first week of regular season is needed as the first set up for any picks. For whatever reason...they do not seem to do well after about week #12. (My guess is that teams fall out of playoff races...and this changes emotional feedback as some teams lose hope for the season, and others lose an edge locking in playoff spots early and or playing scrubs.)

I make every attempt to document any and ALL of my system picks for permanent record keeping but some of the earlier records were not fully documented as the system was created. I didn't realize for a few years what I had.You will have to take some of my word for it on the earlier records, but we are starting to get enough history that I think it's apparent that the system has value.

You never know what will happen in any one season with any system...but the NFL EMO's show consistency and give us a good chance for outstanding results in any season.

The NFL EMO's have a long term record with me since 2007 (and beyond) which is  actually above
+ 59% ATS.

2010 NFL EMO's Final Record

16-­14-­0 53.33% +­$300 View


2009 EMO Record Week # 2 - #12
21-16  57.5% ATS


Posted at the RX Forum:

The 2008 EMO Record Week #2-#12 was
33-18 64.7% ATS +$6600

Unfortunately as an experimental system it was not documented at Wagerline...the record is using midweek Wagerline odds and from my personal notes as the EMO's were used in the Pick 3 and Pick 5 Systems as an indicator.

I also have a 2007 EMO record at  +60% ATS Week 2-12 as it was used as a primary indicator within the Pick 3 and Pick 5 Systems, but not documented separately until later, when I realized it was a viable system by itself.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2010 NFL Records & Summary

 All 2010 NFL Donation Partners will receive my 2011 NFL Systems picks for free based on last years under performance. In total, the two systems offered did not come out ahead.

At the very least NFL EMO picks will be provided as they are still a viable system with a long history of doing well despite the smaller gain in 2010.

The Pick 3's will be discontinued. If I have anything else experimental in 2011 it will be included with the NFL EMO's free of charge as part of my performance guarantee.

2010 NFL EMO's Final Record

16-­14-­0 53.33% +­300 View

2010 NFL Pick 3 Final Record

20-­23-­1 46.51% -­2650 View


Monday, March 28, 2011

NBA/NCAAB 2010-11 Season Records and Wrap UP

The NBA Computer Picks once again had fewer picks, but they did post their 4th straight season of +60% ATS. Maybe it's finally time to increase our units...if anything justifies higher risk/reward...they do.

The biggest disappointment was the performance of NCAAB in general...and the NCAAB Home System I in particular. We were probably due for a pullback. This is a tough business and nothing works all the time.

Every season is different, sometimes we do incredibly well and sometimes things are more average.

For next season....it will be the NBA Computer Picks and I look forward to a full season of the NBA TraderZ's.  The NBA TraderZ's have a LOT of potential but are probably best suited for the Nov.-Feb. time frame...same as the Computer picks.

Next season NCAAB will include the two Home Systems and the Counter system looks like a valuable addition. The only thing I might add is an NCAAB dog system which should help counter seasons like this one. Nothing is broke, but it was an off year by our standards.

Thank you very much for your loyal following and your business. I try to keep it real...and I'm not sure a lot of bettors understand how hard this really is to do, year after year with real records that don't use ridiculous unit manipulation.

 We can't hit +70% every year. I wish it could have been better, but the year wasn't a complete loss either. And we definitely kept moving forward with extra tools to use next season.

I run systems and try to deliver value from those systems to you with personal service by emailing directly. Touts are all about "marketing" and unit manipulation. I hope you keep that in mind and remember there is no easy answer to successful wagering.

Thanks again...feel free to drop me a line anytime...but now it's time for me to get ready for baseball.

Best regards,



2010-11 NBA TraderZ
12-10 54.5% ( emailed record does not include Feb. 9 2 unit win Chic/Utah Under)
Unofficial record is 15-10 which included the 2 unit win and two picks too late for email.

2010-11 NBA Beer Money O/U's (An experiment discontinued because of marginal value)
40-34-1 54.05%
The formula was posted at the link below. It has some value but for my purposes I've chosen to look at other things.


2011 March Madness System

2010-11 NCAAB Counter System


2010-11 NCAAB Home System I

2010-11 NCAAB Home System II


Friday, March 18, 2011

NBA Computer Picks Record 2010-2011 and Overall Record Since 2007

The NBA Computer picks are now done for the 2010- 2011 season.

The Final record is once again well above 60% ATS for the 4th straight season

NBA Computer Picks 2010-2011

18-­10-­0 64.29% +$­3500 View

Overall NBA Computer Picks Record (2007 to current)
177-107 62.3% + 59.3 units +$29,650